Alfa Romeo strive to challenge Euro sedans with Alfetta

Alfa Romeo’s current line up is the strongest for the Italian car maker in years yet they’re still outclassed by mainly European rivals who dominate the executive sedan market, however if Alfa Romeo get their way changes will be in order.

Behind closed doors deals are being made and plans put into action with the intent of bringing back the Alfetta to flesh out Alfa Romeo’s line up, most likely to use an adapted Giulia platform and with a bit of luck we may see the Alfetta make a come back in a few years.

Stiff competition awaits the Alfetta should it come to market with the likes of the Mercedes Benz E-Class, BMW 5-Series, Audi A6 among others already presenting a strong showing and brand loyalty from customers.

To win over the segment Alfa Romeo will do what Alfa Romeo do best, create a car shrouded in style and desire and if the final design looks anything close to the concept rendering produced by RennaDesign they could very well be on track to upset several key decision makers among German based competitors.